Taittirīya upanishad sarvpriyananad
Taittirīya upanishad sarvpriyananad

taittirīya upanishad sarvpriyananad

The Brahman is all - fire, water, sun, air, moon, and other luminous bodies, the Lord of creation and Brahma. The One Supreme is described in various terms. That Self is the luminous stars It is Prajapati It is water It is Brahman. That Supreme Self is Agni (Fire) It is Aditya (Sun) It is Vayu (Air) It is Chandrama (Moon). Tad eva śukra ṃ tad brahma tad āpas tat prajāpati ḥ // 4.2 // Tad evāgnis tad ādityas tad vāyus tad u candramā ḥ / The inspiring teaching of this Upanishad is “The beginning and the end reside in Brahman the world is only a passing phase of the Manifest”. Life is a bridge, pass over it, but do not build upon it. In the passage one must move on and not settle down. The manifest is only a passage from the unmanifest to the unmanifest. The grace and modesty of the manifest lies in not clinging to its existence and where it makes no effort to prolong its continuity. The basic nature of things is the Unmanifest and the manifest is only a condition which appears for the time being in between the two states of the unmanifest. The gist of this Mantra is that the beginning and the end is unmanifest and only the middle state represents the manifest. Sri Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita:Īvyaktaadeeni bhootani vyaktamadhyaani bhaarataĪvyakta nidhanaanyeva tatra kaa paridevanaa // 2.28 //īeings are unmanifest in their beginning, manifest in their middle state and unmanifest again in their end O, Arjuna. In the above Mantra, Brahman is described as One in whom both the beginning and the end find their abode. May that Lord of self-luminosity, bestow auspicious intellect upon us? The purpose of creation is stated to be hidden meaning that we, the finite, cannot understand the reasons behind the creation by The Lord, The Infinite. That Supreme Lord is really one without the second. He initiates this cycle of creation, maintenance and dissolution without any selfish purpose but for the ultimate good of the Jivas (agrhita prayojanah, svaartha nirapekshah). In the end, this universe of all forms and colors merge in Him. The Paramatman in His formless aspect is devoid of form and color, yet, in the beginning of creation for some unknown reasons assumes various forms and colors through His various powers (of maya) which are non-different from Him.

taittirīya upanishad sarvpriyananad

The world was inactive and unmanifest before creation. He, the One and Undifferentiated, who by the manifold application of His powers produces, in the beginning, different objects for a hidden purpose and, in the end, withdraws the universe into Himself, is indeed the self-luminous. Vi caiti cānte viśvam ādau sa deva ḥ sa no buddhyā śubhayā sa ṃyunaktu // 4.1 // Ya eko 'var ṇo bahudhā śaktiyogād var ṇān anekān nihitārtho dadhāti / It is a garland of songs worshipping the Great Being, the Infinite Purusha who is both existent and non-existent. It is because of this it is known as the Upanishad surcharged with a feeling of devotion. The entire Svetasvatara Upanishad is a hymn of adoration in praise of The Supreme, the Mahesvara. Prayers to The Lord started in the previous chapter are continued here. Vedas and Upanishads- A Structural Profile.Sri Rudra Prasna or Satarudriya -A Flag Post of Universality and Inclusiveness of Hinduism.Prasna Upanishad (Part-1)- Origin of Created Beings.Prasna Upanishad (Part-3)- How Does Life-Breath Function.Prasna Upanishad (Part-2)- Who Supports the Created Beings.Prasna Upanishad (Part-4)-Who in man sleeps, dreams, and keeps awake.Prasna Upanishad (Part-5)- Why meditate on AUM.Prasna Upanishad (Part-6)-Where to look for the Cosmic Person.Svetasvatara Upanishad - Chap 1Speculation about the First Cause.Svetasvatara Upanishad - Chap 2 Invocation to Savitr (The Sun) and Practice of Yoga.Svetasvatara Upanishad - Chap 3 The Highest Reality.Svetasvatara Upanishad - Chap 4 The One God of the Manifold World.Svetasvatara Upanishad - Chap 5 The One Immanent God.Svetasvatara Upanishad - Chap 6 The One God and the Cosmic Process.Aitareya Upanishad- Origin of the Universe & Man (Part-1).Aitareya Upanishad- Origin of the Universe & Man (Part-2).Taittiriya Upanishad- Petal 1A Bird`s Eye View.Mandukya Upanishad- An inquiry into what is Real And Unreal -1.Mandukya Upanishad- An inquiry into what is Real And Unreal -2.Mandukya Upanishad- An inquiry into what is Real And Unreal-3.Mandukya Upanishad- An inquiry into what is Real And Unreal-4.Upanishads The Science of Freedom from Bondage.The Limitations of Knowledge from Isa Upanishad- Para 9.Sat Chit Ananda - The Philosophy of the Upanishads.

Taittirīya upanishad sarvpriyananad